Monday, January 4, 2010

MY world is a vignette...

Think about it, really...a woman's world is made up of little vignettes, settings you have created in your world...your home, your children's lives growing up, your marriage OR NOT...

Everything has a certain order to it...right...I think that's why the antique biz, as I see it, is so appealing. Everyone sees their world a little differently from the next, which makes life filled with diversity...and change.

Have I mentioned that I love my job(s) now my little vignette settles in, The Junk Asylum is ready to roll and I can resume all that it takes to fulfill my vignettes and move forward...which means SOAP!!!

Better get busy, I have miles to go before I sleep...hope your holiday was filled with visions of vignettes for a prosperous new year...TWENTYTEN is gonna be DA BOMB!!!