Shall we git started...
I'll git the chair Ma
you git the pan
you know
the one with the lil' hole in the bottom...
these peas sure grew good this year
s' cause we planted early
and they got that late snow
think the onions 'll do good this year...
don't know, but they sho was good last year
only got two more quarts of tomaters
better plant another row of them bigguns...
they sho was good last year...
hope we get the heat of an evenin'
nuttin'l grow if we don't.
sho is nice sittin' in the shade...
I got a hankerin' to sit here a spell
hear the cicadas
that meadowlark's back in the walnut grove agin...
don't think I'll mow the ditch this year...
heard the bobwhites a workin out yonder
I'm gonna git that mole this year ya know...
Shall we have chicken n dumplins fer supper...
I'll git the chair Ma...
you git the pan...
you know, the one with the lil' hole...
Try not to be confused, it's Sunday in Australia...but I wanna play now, which means it's Saturday in my part of the world. You can play too, just contact Hey, Harriet...she'll show ya the way...