My divorce house...
Lorie(The Junk Asylum)sent me this article
from Huffington Post on married women's
fantasies about their dream homes...
my situation was typical of many women,
an alcoholic husband that made most of our
20 year marriage a train wreck!
My lil' pink shack was bought to
house my antique biz,
house my antique biz,
which it did for several years.
It was my getaway from the
problems at home.
It was my getaway from the
problems at home.
I lingered here constantly, not wanting
to go home to that...soooooo...
to go home to that...soooooo...
The divorce house was in the making!
I started planting my dream gardens,
planting trees where no man
would plant,
planting trees where no man
would plant,
dragging stuff from home, giving it
permanent residence in my dream scape.
permanent residence in my dream scape.
I started fencing in a new life without
his presence or knowledge...
when the day came,
when the day came,
he was shocked at my bravery
and confidence, though inside I was
totally freaked about finances
and confidence, though inside I was
totally freaked about finances
I was still grooming full time,
but was needing to retire...
but my will to set out on my own
but was needing to retire...
but my will to set out on my own
was far greater than my will to leave
well enough alone...
well enough alone...
I totally began to bloom,
letting go of 20 years of history,
don't get me wrong, there were lots of good
times too, but the uncertainty of alcoholism
made it a crap shoot EVERY DAY!!!
But I was in paradise, building my new life lifestyle and my surroundings
are built on that freedom called free will...
and I will never have to hear that remark,
now where do you think
you're gonna put that...
you're gonna put that...
My mantra...
sure, my lifestyle isn't for everyone,
it's a daily struggle living alone, you
have to learn to do it ALL by yourself
or just plain and simple live without.
have to learn to do it ALL by yourself
or just plain and simple live without.
But when I look around at my lil' pink
shack and see my accomplishments
and the home I've built on my
6 acres of paradise,
shack and see my accomplishments
and the home I've built on my
6 acres of paradise,
I've never looked back and regretted...
and NO, I never get lonely,
I stay busy and own a terrier...nuff said!
I stay busy and own a terrier...nuff said!
I own me, I'm not an extension of him...
I am woman,