Monday, January 30, 2012


 Now with all the whites and naturals that are so appealing
to everyone these days, this is what I'm all about!
Dusty old books and velvets,

 bookshelves and table throws...
and classical music.

 Tons of pictures of beautiful places I'll never see...
Persian carpets and palm trees
and old wall paper...

 old chairs and tassels, btw,
that door tassel is exactly like the one
in my parlor window...
did I mention I love parlor tables...

Yes, the Victorian era was the age of discovery
and opulence...knowledge was the key,
taking it all in and studying all the details...
this is me and my true love style!
Just wait till you see the old ratty chair
I'm dragging home from someones basement...
heh heh heh...!