Monday, January 30, 2012


 Now with all the whites and naturals that are so appealing
to everyone these days, this is what I'm all about!
Dusty old books and velvets,

 bookshelves and table throws...
and classical music.

 Tons of pictures of beautiful places I'll never see...
Persian carpets and palm trees
and old wall paper...

 old chairs and tassels, btw,
that door tassel is exactly like the one
in my parlor window...
did I mention I love parlor tables...

Yes, the Victorian era was the age of discovery
and opulence...knowledge was the key,
taking it all in and studying all the details...
this is me and my true love style!
Just wait till you see the old ratty chair
I'm dragging home from someones basement...
heh heh heh...!

Friday, January 27, 2012

The rest of the story...

 ...and while shopping at Sisters' the other day,
you know when you walk into an antique shop
and something catches your eye
and you are smitten...well...
this is that piece...

 Barb and I did a little horse tradin' again...
I have always wanted a fireplace mantle,
but the prices for them are way out of my budget.

 but this shelf was right inside the door of the shop
and stopped me dead in my tracks...
and who knows, maybe someday I'll find the 
right boards to match and make my own mantle.
But isn't it funny how one lil' piece will completely
transform the look of a room, very cottagy
and right outta Country Living magazine, huh!

 Another piece I'll never part with,
is this beautiful structure, the backsplash 
from an old buffet, it makes a perfect display piece...

But adding the chicken to the setting
was the icing on the cake...
it TOTALLY made the room look like a cottage
of old, my home sweet home...
the lil' pink shack!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Playing at Sisters'...

 Moving stuff around,
trying to catch a theme,
vignettes, that's what it's all about

 Country is kinda my love, the ol' farmsteads,
the homey furniture,
fresh made soaps(Absinthe and English Ivy)...
and hay on the floor(ah choo)...
and fun!

 You can do anything with a little imagination...
just set yourself free,
think outta the box...

and go for it...
we're starting to gear up for Spring, 
though we know it's a ways away,
but it seems to lift our spirits,
planning for the gardens,
reshaping the old
bringing in the new
making it all work in sync...yup, us antiquers
never say never...
what do you mean you don't have anymore room...

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The funky chicken...and friends...

 Who says ya can't have fun in this biz...
well...when I asked my good friends Mark and Liz
to find me some strange, they knew exactly what to get...

 Delightfully decrepit...
oh yeah, dem bones, dem dry bones...

 Gonna be a lotta people beg me for these babies,
can you say MINE...!
Salesman sample crypts...

 The wall mount pheasant will stay on my wall as well,
hey, ya can't sell it all...right!!!
Well, at least not yet anyway...
thanks Mark n Liz...your soap will be at CV 
Saturday guys ROCK!!!

This is for Mom and Bill...
who always expected to see chickens on the table
when they came to ya...heehee!
aka...Ma Kettle

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Horse traders in decrepit decay...

 I love that term...right...
Lorie and I traded goods the other day,
I had a sweet pair of white chippy shutters,
well she snagged on them before I could get a picture...
hey, that's what it's all about, right!

 Sweet huh...
gotta love this old stuff, huh...
the mix of elegant Victorian turned ugly.
I am SOOOO having fun with this new trend!

 Can you say ADDICTION...
can you imagine what my dog grooming customers
think when they walk in my front door...LOL!

 can you say FUNKY...

or it'll fall over...

What is it with us junkers, we crave neglect,
we adore decrepit...
are we cracked in the head???

Sunday, January 22, 2012

My space...

 More stuff up to the Asylum...

 the soap cupboard is getting full...

 I love the chamber pots filled with soaps...

 love to paint white, looks great next to 
chippy black and pink shelf...

 baskets n bowls filled with goat milk soaps
top a new painted black chest...

 to die for lavender shutters usher in Spring...
we hope...

funny how much crap...I mean great stuff
you can cram into a small space...
more coming next week!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Start your day off with a smile...

It's on the house!!!
Have a great weekend,
we only got an inch of snow...

Thursday, January 19, 2012


You never know where they'll take you...

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Life is so ironic...

It takes sadness to know what happiness is,
noise to appreciate silence
and absence
to value presence.

We all share in gift of the now
what you are,
what I am...
the presence of awe.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Childlike enthusiasm...

 Yes, it's this enthusiasm that keeps me in the now,
as I await another space at The Junk Asylum...

 so, in the meantime, my shelves at home
will gather dust and crust,
wings and things,
all to take the trip to THE DARK SIDE...

 and no, I'm not a devil worshiper,
don't even believe in the dude,
but what great toys to play with...
it's all about enjoying life, having some laughs
and some raised eyebrows...

 Don't ya just love the lil' dudes teeth...ZOMBIE...

 This is just the funniest EVER...visualize it...

heh heh heh...

Thursday, January 12, 2012

What fresh hell is this...

Excuse me, but wasn't it 56 degrees yesterday...
thanks Gayle for planting them damned peas!!!
16 degrees in Ioway...