Laura Schroeder Portrait Studio in Muscatine
has a great eye for settings for her craft,
she's done several photo sessions at the chateau
and I'm sure has set her sights for more,
as things start to blossom in my world...
were attempting to get Lily to smile,
she didn't get many smile shots, but the ones
she did get were of a determined little missy!

of costume...
so I'm in the other room grooming dogs
while they're on the front porch coaxing Lily,
talking crazy baby-talk that is driving my dogs wild,
they all thought Mom was there to pick them up
and Scratchy was just plain pissed that she
was missing something to bark at...GEESH!!!

as a refection of an artist at work glows in my
window, I know Laura will be back...she
fell in love with my fainting couch, great props
perfect for her style!
Laura Schroeder Portrait Studio