Monday, December 13, 2010 toys at Sisters'...

Do you not LOVE this lil' black vanity,
petite and sweet, with it's tiny lil' mirror...

...and this wonderful old chair to match,
with a new cushion of black ticking fabric...sweet!
Together they make a darling set, but you have to go to
Sisters and Bloom to check 'um out...
What are you waiting for!!!

And an update on my soap suppliers,
I will no longer be carrying my soap at Amazing Grace in Amana,
however you can still pick them up
exclusively at Sisters' and Bloom,
Grasshoppers in LeClaire, Iowa,
The Junk Asylum in ParkView, Iowa
and the Candle Shed in Muscatine, Iowa.

I will be running Winter appreciation specials
January, February and March
at Sisters', so be watching for them...
and pick up a Soap Box Derby punch card at the Candle Shed
for your free deals...'kay...

See ya soon, it's gittin' crazy out there!