Monday, May 28, 2012

Tah dah...I'm pooped...

 Isn't this just the cutest...
I picked up this great Eastlake chest
up at the Junk Asylum on Sunday,
knowing full well what I was going
to do with it...yup, pink!
It took me ALL DAY to get it
painted and I finished just 5 minutes
 before it started to rain.
I have a darling little fern stand
that is getting painted pink too and
a couple of frames that are totally
I am sooo not a pink person, but
 this was meant to be!

This is the before, the guy I bought
it from is going to freak,
right if it was going
in my house I would leave it as is...
this is going to Sister's Garden
Wednesday afternoon.
So if your lil' girl is a princess,
this would be perfect...
price $349.00,
see ya at Sisters'...
also the soy bricks will be there too
for all your tart warmers.