Saturday, February 20, 2010

Shadow Shot Sunday...Crow Talk

I am the child
the screen door
and fearful
of the shadow
of the next day's

you can't make
me come out
I'll be fine
in good time
the crow told me so
in a dream

he flew low
o'er my pig-tailed mane
and whispered
I've set you
then flew
into the sun

follow me
this winding brick road
put your
heart in hand
and you shall become
the woman
in front of
the ol' screen door

out of the shadow
and into peace
with the one
in the dream
and the maker
of the road
on the path
to the sun

and crow talk


A porch engulfed in shadow is for my fellow shadow shooters to ponder...check out Harriets' down in Australia...she has a fun game to play...OK...

This was an actual dream I had 17 years ago...and it set me free...
I followed my heart down the road
and again, it did set me free...
how lucky was I
to have met
my guide
the crow
in a dream

thanks Richard...