The furballs playing in freezing cold water streams...oh the mess they made, but what fun chasing the snakes of water all through the garden...GET OUT OF THE GARDEN!!!
...but the prize at the end of the day...bounty and more bounty, as the zucchini takes over the entire garden-sphere...and the tomatoes are ready for canning...'cept for this year, the blight has hit everyone...time to start growing from seed and not buying from big chain stores that are spreading the problems...
...spittin' watermelon seed everywhere and never getting yelled at for making the mess...sweet cold juice running down your chin and arms to the elbow...MMMMMMMMMMM!!!
...HE'S COMING...the ice cream truck makes his rounds, as you hear that strange circus-like music in the'll stop a kid dead in his tracks no matter how intense the playing is...may I have a cherry Popsicle please...
...then the gardens run amok, as the lazy days(and crabgrass) take over...the heat rises to 100, as does the look for any excuse to stay indoors in the air conditioning...yet to breathe in the hot, humid airs of summer is what we live for year after year...
Thanks Jan, Summer Sundays, for the reminder...I'll race ya to the garden...yeah right!!!