Friday, September 11, 2009

Bitches...dealers gone wild... I'm walking into my favorite haunt...I'd tell ya, but I'd have ta kill ya kinda place...this truck full of goodies is parked right in front of the while I'm pondering the treasures, I didn't even see the note on the bumper...then the insane laughing comes from the inside as Barb takes a pic of my surprised expression, just as I'm reading the note...ergh...!@#$%^&...'sorry sharon, I bought it all'...!@#$^&*... in retaliation, er, always having the last word(punchline), I added my own note...

...and it doesn't get any better'n and friend Barb Conner from the blog Simply Iowa and my faithful friend and partner in crime Lorie pulled a swifty on me....they knew my arrival was soon, so they put together this traumatic scene to greet me as I walked into the mall...did I say BITCHES!!!