Thursday, September 17, 2009

'Tis a sad day in blogland...

Well, not really sad, 'cause we met two wonderful gals from Canada, Bev and Linda...but sad because we had to tell them we were moving our shop...AND...they were buying Norbie, our wonderful Californian pheasant that I got from Nancy over at Shab n Chic...'tis a sad day indeed, sorry Nanc, but that's how it flies in the world of junk tradin'...

Let's just hope he makes it across border patrol...maybe if they use him as a hood ornament, they won't notice him...kinda looks like that Mercedes emblem right...the girls read my blog every day and just had to drive down to the states just to check out all the goodies us rebels have to barter.

But we are sad too, to be leaving Palo, we've met some great people there, but our move is purely economical...we gotta make a buck...right...?

Having a great shop is one thing, but in reality, it has to make some moolah too and our new booth in The Amanas' has already done just that for us. Reaching a large tourist population, our prospects are far sad, but not all lost, we forge ahead...and don't be sad for Norbie...these girls are nuts...he'll fit right in.

Check out the White blog for shots of the booth space...later...