Saturday, September 12, 2009

Shadow Shot Sunday...Missing you...

simple by design
a dwelling
in a not so great
it fills my eyes
with memories
flooded with smells
of pies
chocolate chip cookies
laundry on the line
and never forget
the lilac bush
will you read me a story
hands so rough
yet gentle on my cheek
soft lips
peck love spots
never rubbed away
'cause I know
the meaning
of Grandparents
love in an apron
and overalls
I ne'er shall forget


My Granny's house sits empty, still holding memories of days gone away, used for storage now, yet the ghosts of dinners and celebrations...and Band-aids linger in her old walls...and the Autumn Clematis crowns the fence season after season...and as Shadow Shot Sunday is upon us again, I linger as I drive by taking shots of the past...

Have a great weekend everyone...