Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Yup, I'm a tree hugger...

I just can't resist the magnificence of an ancient oak, the lifeblood of our planet, yet we continually harvest them to sell overseas for huge profit, to an over-crowded planet...we need to stop...over-population. What ever happened to just having two kids???

Eighteen and counting, octo-mom, Jon and Kate plus eight...think of the footprint these families have on our fragile ecosystem, not to mention the welfare system. Now their children will buy into the money pit and grandchildren and on and on...look around at what we have done...sorry Jim Bob...put a sock on it!!!

Olden days and derelict homes, recall days when families were large because there was no birth control and you needed lots of hands to eke out the living for the whole.

Today there is no excuse for a huge family, we don't need to go forth and populate the planet, or build an army, we need to consider our neighbors. What if my Grandson wanted a child...and a Grandchild, but he is too conscientious of the impact on the environment...how sad we've become and so uncaring of others.

Having a child today is a luxury...it cost $100.00 to have my daughter 41 years ago, what is it today, I'm afraid to ask, with medical costs so high...I even had a man the other day bring his dog in for grooming and commented that we won't be able to afford dogs anymore with vet costs skyrocketing...

Yes, it's scary what we've done to our home...we should to take long hard looks into the future for our kids and grand kids...and Scratchy's relatives...