Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Beautiful Jewels... old woman sits at her station
a kitchen table and
time-worn traditions
traveled over
and over
she knows where
her duty lies
and the chore
of the day
the soap maker
and she stirs
while all around
grand children
skip marbles
and kittens frolic
and chickens peck
at the earth
while an old woman toils
and the soap maker
as grubby, bare feet
await the test
tried and true
bath time

Yummy and ting'ly this garden soap has the grit of organic cornmeal and herbs
to scrub away the grime of a day in paradise...the garden...

Colored gems in flowery fields of fragrance scent your bath in true Bohemian style...

...mmmmmm...the sweet scent of milk..soft...

...Tuscan Olive, an exotic scent that will take you away to the olive groves of far away lands
and immerse you in exotica...a true bathing experience...'s just plain good!!!