Wednesday, March 24, 2010

An unusual piece...

I'm sure there is a proper name for this piece, but I don't know what it is. It has a coat closet, 3 drawers, a hat shelf and a writing desk...could it be a gentleman's dresser of some sort..
whatever it is, I love it, but Barb has sent it home with me to work my magic...

TA DA...
I love it in was the only paint finish perfect for this piece, very gentlemanly,
don't you think...?
I left the inside of the desk, closet and hat shelf it's natural wood finish, for a piece this masculine, you want to leave it a little more rugged so chips and scratches don't appear on it's usable elements, like writing or hanger nicks...besides...
and will tolerate a little paint, if you can see some wood...
there it is again, that Mars thing...

Hey girls, can you imagine this for a closet for your one dress and one pair of shoes
back in the day...

WHATEVER...I'm sure!!!! little bluebird watercolor sold 15 minutes after it was put on the floor at Sisters...
now, hopefully the others will move along soon.
Have a great SPRING day friends!