My cellophaned world
glistens in sweet repose
as iced fingers
tickle my season of frost.
A humor that is short lived,
as glistening confections
awaken my eye
to a fantasy dessert...
an Arctic wand,
slathers on my calm,
white, fluffy peaks
tower, as icing
dribbles in free form...
my cake's out in the rain...
Here we are again in the grips of the Arctic airs, as all around me is still, no traffic on the highways, no school and no commerce...ouch. We know it comes every year, but the cold, hard facts are hard to process for merchants, especially in these financially hard times.
But faith unfaltering at Sister's Garden we are there in full force with offerings to fill your void...I drool...again...many new plates and platters for a Christmas fair. I love the old world charm of these transferware dishes, just something comforting in them. With the vintage wallpaper attached to the pealing cupboard back splash, it's appealing hominess brings me thoughts of a grandmother and her weathered past.
All awaits at Sister's Garden, as we await the magical hour...but you know what...right after's SPRING!!! Well in our eyes anyway, as we busy ourselves finding all the gardeny things you love so much, the statues, the rusty iron, the tables and chairs, all set to put you there even as the snows fly for the next 3 months...we are spring at now we have the time to plan this coming spring events. Putting out bits and pieces of the story to entice you to our world of never-ending fantasy and the wonderful world of home-making...your style.
See you soon at Sisters' and just know that Barb and staff will be cooking up new treats t'resistance...for your eyes only...better hurry in, the new stuff doesn't last long...