Through these doors one enters a magical realm...the wonderland of Barb Connors...her magic filled rabbit hole, a constant inspiration to me...
Cross Creek Antiques and Simply Iowa, the blog...
Cross Creek Antiques and Simply Iowa, the blog...
Will you be inspired
by wispy glass beading
and statues all beckoning
and fountains all streaming
with rusted and crackled
and faded old flair
by sun drenched age'd hollows
in this moaning conservatory
of a mad hatter's lair
by wispy glass beading
and statues all beckoning
and fountains all streaming
with rusted and crackled
and faded old flair
by sun drenched age'd hollows
in this moaning conservatory
of a mad hatter's lair
it's true what I said
this room it does sing
with the wind through the panes
it moans with a ring
of mystics and magic
and the hum of the rains
I was awed by it's foray
in a traveler's dream game
this room it does sing
with the wind through the panes
it moans with a ring
of mystics and magic
and the hum of the rains
I was awed by it's foray
in a traveler's dream game