their pseudo wings...still little, but oh so curious...
I started getting feedback from everyone saying
they loved them because they hated hotel soap...
that fit perfectly into the same lil' deli containers
that the soaps are in...voila'...
Thanks Ma, you're the bomb!!!
my existing garden...the heirloom snow peas will be
planted on this snow fence and for the first time EVER,
I am going to save seed...with the forecast food shortages,
I figure it might be a good idea...
have you priced seed lately...!
I also do everything by hand, no tiller, 'cept
the ol'timey one with the metal wheel...
I love that thing, I'm lucky because my soil is
sandy loam, easy to till and weed.
This year I'm determined to have a great garden
in spite of the weather...!