Saturday, April 23, 2011

Shadow Shot Sunday...I'm going to kiss a toad...

Sun, oh glorious sun!!!
I was waiting and waiting,
camera in hand,
as the sun finally kissed
a toad...

GEESH...haven't seen the sun in days!
And of course, I have to work today...go figure...
but at least I'll get to enjoy it for a few brief moments,
as it peeks over an anxious, spent garden
from the previous year...

As the bluegrass grows, can you hear it...
we'll all be priming our mowers
for this special event...'s coming!!!

However, it's late in the season down under
at Tracy's gig, funny how that works,
but Spring will be on all of us Northern hemispherians' minds...
is that a word...
let's play at Harriets'...K...