Saturday, March 14, 2009

Shadow Shot Sunday...This One Path

a turtle dove beckons
gossamer hopes channel daylight
shimmering delicate flotsam
I awaken
dissolving rapture into daylight
a still life of
silent healing waters
flowing into the eye of the night
I take back this new dawn
these seeds of hope
calling a secret encounter
to a white dove
a reformation
a symbol of hope and reclamation
what if these wings of hope were black...
tripping through shadow
a lifetime
without a story
without a dream
I too know of this shadow
this reaper of souls
I am woman
I am white
I hold this ancestral shame
yet I drift not alone
into these crystalline hopes
a gazing ball of rainbow hues
futures diffused
hands and shoulders entwined
in spirit
on this one path...
Last night I watched the new movie 'Australia' and drooled profusely over Hugh Jackman the star...and who wouldn't...but I am saddened how we as a culture have treated our indigenous peoples of color in every culture and all walks of life. Do you think we as a so called moral society will ever grow up??? Our Native Americans have felt this same Crucifixion by this same moral society...what gives you the right to question a faith?
So my poem goes out to people of color all over the planet on this Shadow Shot Sunday, it's Sunday in Australia you know...that wonderland down under of mystery and intrigue. Please check out the other shadow-shooters too.
Am I a dreamer...................PEACE!