One of my favorite colors is sky blue, that's the color of spring. Variations of blue and lavender pull the thoughts of birds and blooms, as Spring creeps ever so close to our open arms. For some this has been a wretched Winter, but I can't complain...after last years snow after snow, I thought I would never be warm again, but, at least where I live, the snows have been infrequent. Winter has quickly passed my door, as birds sing mating calls and iris poke ever so slowly through their blanket of leaves.
A trip to Sisters' Garden this time of year, always sparks the urge to start raking the yard, preparing to lavish lawns with iron ornaments and metal lawn open the doors and let in the warm, sweet airs of Spring and polish our porches with little bits of treasure from the over-flowing showrooms at Sisters''s coming...SPRING!!!
PS...check out the new sign painted for the Sisters' store...SWEET...and the Lilac soap and candles are on their way tomorrow...