Thursday, March 19, 2009


What is going on with E Blogger these days??? I just can't convey a message totally without my beautiful music...what will the Shadow Shots be without the inspiration of delicate tunes to guide you through the poetry? It seems to be a problem all over the blogs that have a Playlist.
Not only that, my paragraphs disappear, making it one huge blob to read...see, it happened again today...I hate that. Has the blogging system gotten too big, I worry that they will start charging us at any moment, as more and more turn to the Internet for their information. Our local newspaper has shrunk to invisible size, making the print impossible to read, but I have noticed that the articles aren't so biased to one side or the other, desperation for readers I guess.
But I'm so thankful for the Internet and the blog just goes beyond infinity...where Will it end...probably in the pocketbook of the middle class, just like everything else.
I haven't been blogging as much lately, as I'm preparing for a new septic system...argh...which will plow right through the middle of my flower gardens, so like it or not I've been relocating my posies to a more secure know men and their big toys, when it comes to a woman's garden, there are no boundaries, so praise the Gods for the warmer weather and easy digging.