As you may have noticed, I've been missing in action...
taking advantage of every spec of sun available,
an unbelievable March so far!
I caught this shadow as I was flying back and forth
from the shop to the house...isn't it amazing
how a lil' shadow can stop you dead in your tracks...
Thanks Hey,Harriet for your vision...and ours!!!
This lil' chair, long stripped of it's rockers,
will be a nesting box in the hen house...
cute huh!
I hope to get back to many of the comments this week,
last week I bombed...
But my dreams of having chickens again
are soon to be realized, as plans move forward
on the hen, organic eggs...
ever had 'um, they are wonderful, fresh from the oven,
as each hen squawks the moment they arrive!
Now with the issues of radiation plumes drifting
to the U.S. from Japan, it's a scary world out there these days,
as we have our own scary monsters to deal with too
here in the states!
Time for alternative energies, they're out there, big oil lobbyists
just won't let it happen...that is until the people protest!
Peaceful demonstrations are a cumin', as we the people
become fed up with the lies...
Let's face it, most of America is lazy and aren't willing
to walk to the hen house to 'do the chores',
they'd rather walk into Walmart and eat radiated eggs...
But I'm saving fuel and trying to lessen my footprint,
to me, that's what it's all about...right...
exercise and vitamin D from the sun too!
I'm gonna walk into my yard every day and
pick the fruits of my labor...eggs...
farm fresh
DAILY!!! I need a goat...LOL!!!