Totally oblivious to the world around them...
your world is their world now and hostas may
as well be dandelions, not that they eat them,
but they tromp all over them in their search for bugs...
caught both roosters...and GOTH, all 3 nestled
under the plants I just watered...
nice n cool under their kids
your world is their world now and hostas may
as well be dandelions, not that they eat them,
but they tromp all over them in their search for bugs...
caught both roosters...and GOTH, all 3 nestled
under the plants I just watered...
nice n cool under their kids
Meanwhile, back at my real job,
Barb from Sisters' sent this piece home with me
last week, a nice lil' Provincial settee,
sweet huh...
Barb from Sisters' sent this piece home with me
last week, a nice lil' Provincial settee,
sweet huh...