Remember me...this lil' shop will soon be filled to the brim...when you pare two 'Queens of Cram' together in one tiny building, that's what you get...

This is the carnage floods do to property, although this is the building next door, this is exactly what our building looked like during renovation.

But this is now, new drywall up, old vinyl off floor, new trim, paint and a lot of sweat-equity and you have vision as to what and where...right!

Tiny but mighty...some old original wood floor was found by Bill when he was diggin' around, so he left it as a surprise for us girls...eeeeeeeee....doesn't take much for us, we'll take all the original we can get these days. Little does he know that we will be painting the walls back to the post flood days of mildew and neglect...but with a better smell.
It'll be a feast for the eyes as the magic is whirled 'round these old walls.

Yup, the place is small, but the price is right and for a weekend shop that will only be open on Fridays and Saturdays and maybe an occasional Sunday, this is all we need...for now anyway.
Just getting started, getting the word out and meeting new friends is what it's all about and Lorie and I have been through so much moving and relocating, who knows, maybe this is the 'it-place'.
We aren't looking to get rich, but to make a decent living doing what we love, who knows what dreams may come...right!