I love the bottom of this old stool, made out of tree logs, covered in old fabric, it's perfect for a cabin or my house...right...

I found a box of treasures hidden away in my Granny's garage, from a previous move, but tucked away and forgotten about...argh...

When you have a shop, you have so many smalls that they all become a blur, or perhaps a faded memory somewhere in time...

beautiful Tiffen glass vases tucked away in the bottom of the box...how could I forget...oh the horror!!!

Frames and more frames, some painted and some left to be enjoyed for the wonderful patina time has granted...all await in my halls for the new adventure that soon will be their legacy...our sign is being made and Sunday we hope to turn the pristine, newly dri-walled surfaces, into the mildewed, time-worn interiors of ancient history...SOON...