This is our lil' mascot 'Buddy Lee'...Jethro was our last shop mascot. We must have a mascot in every shop Lorie and I do, to remind her that we don't really need a bobble-head to do what we do best. A shop for women, without the baggage...right Lorie...ha...

Oh, this cupboard...Lorie you really know how to make me drool, soooo me...check out the vintage wallpaper and linoleum...'nuff said...

Odds-n-ends cool stuff, gotta have the smalls right...

This Victorian chest with hankie drawers is sooooo my style, it will be left as is because of the unique patina, cool huh!

This old chicken feeder will be perfect for holding votives...

OK now Lorie knows all about my strange...well I guess you do to, but I found this old lobster trap and I just couldn't live without it. It'll go on 'MY' porch, my Florida get-away room, the room that will soon be filled with ocean scenes and exotic birds...but I couldn't pass it up because of all the wierd stuff attached to it, dried turtles, and stingrays, shells and beach flotsam...what a perfect addition...right! Not to worry girl...it stays home...remove that look from that pretty lil' face...ha!

Newest necklace can be viewed up close on 'The Wild Thing' blog...we're compiling our stock, so stay tuned for the opening...we can't wait, how 'bout you...