I wear a mask to protect my lungs from further abuse, but when I have a cute lil' heathen like this to work on, I am laughing constantly at the expression of his antics...not to mention continually fogging my glasses. What a hoot it is to do puppies and yes who can resist!!!
Which is my point on 'puppy mills'. They prey on the adorable looks of their puppies to lure you in to buying a mixed breed. Many, well over a thousand dollars. They are successful because they know you can't resist...and never take your children, unless you are willing to pay the outrageous prices.
A puppy mill is a person that raises puppies for profit. They don't have to necessarily have hundreds of dogs to be a puppy mill, it's just mass exploitation of a bitch dog into litter after litter for their profit.
I also groomed another pup the other day that was said to be a Bichon...no way...it was a mix of Yorkie and something, another was supposed to be a Papillion, it looks like a chihuahua...no kidding. The only way to truly stop puppy mills from ripping you off, is to research your breed, know what you are getting. Many times you could have a pure breed for the same cost as a mix.
Don't be fooled by the fact that they are registered with a club of 'mix-breeds anonymous' or some other retarded group of wanabees. This is truly what is destroying the quality of the purebred dog today, causing health problems, deformities and behavioral difficulties. Most people don't know that you can research your particular breed through an organization that rescues particular breeds. I looked up Cairns awhile back and they had so many needing adoptions, puppies and seniors, I was amazed. Every breed is out there, just look up rescued dogs for the breed you want. They have pictures and your family can choose the dog perfect for you right on line. All of the Humane Societies have same programs, you can see your dog online.
Do your part to stop puppy mills and unscrupulous pet exploitation.