Robin has a blog called 'One Still Frame', we have a history, sorta, that goes back quite a few years, sorta. Robin's mom Pat had an antique shop filled to the brim with all things primitive, on the family's old homestead farm. I ran into Pat when I first opened my website, we were both hosted on Crow Soup, a group of primitive websites all sharing the same love of craft and antiques.
Pat, aka 'Tilda' and I talked a few time via email about the state of the economy and both could feel the coming doom for our types of little shops. Once thriving, the decision to close was set in motion for both of us, but Pat still retains her website 'High Button Shoe', however, mine is now closed due to my blog.

As with the lone walnut tree in the photo above, Robin shares her love of Nature and photography with us all in her blog. She has a sense of self and calm that is a real inspiration to me and I wanted you all to meet her.
Her sense of life in the words she writes and the words of others she chooses, just makes me feel the moment. The simplicity of her photos and the words she weaves, fills my heart with the mantra...JUST BE...

Robin is a gentle soul...my kinda person...and we share a bond of friendship, though we've never met...Michigan isn't that far away...and who knows, maybe someday I'll get to visit that family homestead and meet two virtual friends that share my thoughts and passions...and the circle is joined.
Please go visit their sites...you will feel it too...
Thanks Robin and Pat...aka Beulah and Tilda...