Thursday, August 18, 2011

Garden envy, short days and what's a colloquial...

Now this is a garden...
I had to take a bypass to get to my area Amish grocer
and so glad I did...great stuff!
Putting food by, as they call it, for a family for a year...
now I have the space and the time to devote...
but the energy...think so!!!
But it will take major planning this winter, but hey,
that's what winters are for, right...

The weeds were a little high to get a good shot, but
I love the way they've connected 3 buildings together
for some grand scheme...

laundry drying outside always makes me smile...

barefoot and on a mission...

Amish girls talk among friends, as I'm
a Voyager through my window of progress...
wonder what they speak of...young girls...

Oh yes, don't let me forget about that colloquial,
it's a funny saying like...
she's one brick short of a load or
she's got 'er knickers in a twist,
mine for the day is...
her shutter speed is only half open...!
This has been happening of late when I turn on
my camera, been wondering why...
then I checked my shutter window,
half open...duh!!!

Did I mention shorter days...well, that means
it's darker in the mornings when I'm making coffee,
so you can't really see when the coffee has filled
the cup from your Keurig coffee pot...right,
so you fill it again...
so you might say I'm one cup short of a full pot,

cause it's on the floor!!!