Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Truth or consequenses...

Which dress form are you...be honest...this will separate the women from the girls. I just don't know how they ever survived the summers in those corsets and long skirts, especially when they spent the summers in Florida...no wonder they called them fainting couches, you didn't want to be far from one in that heat OR how about Texas...can you imagine the fire ants under all of them skirts...just take me out on the prairie and shoot me. Just who came up with all of these women's fashions anyway...was it a MAN...I have my suspicions...how about the once coveted bound feet of Oriental women...it was all about the sex and we all know that is a man thang. Thank God for the 60's and women's lib...we set 'em straight...a force to be reckoned with...bra-burners united, but you wouldn't catch me without one today, so I guess you might say that I am the second dress form, oh, and by the way, was it a man that invented the bra...hmmm...(curses)