Well sorta...I was going to do White Wednesday today, but I took
so many great pastel photos at Sisters' today,
I just couldn't...
however, I did haul this awesome white farm table
up to Sisters' yesterday and Deb worked her magic
and made it fit perfectly 'long side that
wonderful old sink...how cool is that!!!

so how un-white are pastels and the scent of fresh lilacs...
so Spring-like...

...and robin's egg blue...doesn't get much more Springy...right!

...and pastel pink tutus, just wants to make you child-like again,
hey Brandon, this is what we need...
fluttering like butterflies around in your room
with all sorts of fairy tale dreams afloat in your mind...

...mmmmm...the soft floral scents adrift...

...and who doesn't need a violin case full of laces...

I'm going to predict that dried flowers will come back into vogue...
well, maybe not vogue, but farm style chic...
do ya think...

So gather yourselves together and head up to Sisters, we be rearranging
and gathering new delights...as spring cleaning is just around the corner...