Saturday, February 14, 2009

Shadow Shot Sunday...An Ode to a Friend...

what lies beneath
a new fallen snow
a heart full
of love
for a friend of the soul

my funny lil' Valentine
full of life and of thrill
you bring to my heart
a laugh
and a dream and a will

to be kind to the all
a wish eas'ly given
if only the all
would accept
'tis a gift from the Heav'n

you spread love
from a heart that bursts free
with antics n mischief I laugh
till I...cry
and you force me to see

the love that is pulled
from a half buried heart
from a season
of sorrow
full love takes a start

my wee lil' companion
my love and my friend
I give smooches
and butt kicks
my BFF to the end!

Tis Sunday in Australia and we send you the love in this time of sadness, as your beloved country burns, yes me and my wee lil' terrorist, Scratchy, the love of my life, helps me usher in Valentines Day and Shadow Shot Sunday. Rush on over with your very best shadow shots, you can never have too much fun...right Tracy... HAPPY VALENTINES DAY