Thursday, June 3, 2010

Change is good...

Scratchy and I drive the back roads again, searching and searching...
Newly planted fields of corn and beans dot the Iowa landscape, as a new season begins again...

A rare glimpse of the lil' wild soul that lives under the porch...
do you think the terrier will ever accept this new prey as friend?
Can a cat-eater ever feel the softer side of life...

Thank the Gods that my heathen can't befriend this wild soul...OUCH!
Snapping turtles are not fuzzy friends...but
they share our world
and we respect!!!
(from afar)

As you can see, this wandering soul has changed the look of the blog, always curious and always unsettled, this Earthly wild child is constantly seeking new life in her world...
I want to dance and play like there's no tomorrow! me and 'the heathen' travel our path together into life's unknown...
be a part of the change...