So sad that our little friend the honey bee, is suffering so and I believe we are the usual! Having read up on many of the issues about this problem, it seems the most likely is cell phone use. Communication waves going from tower to tower has interrupted flight paths and caused bees to get lost, just aimlessly flying till they drop dead.
What is the answer in a world so polluted by man's very existence? We take, take, take, never thinking of the consequence, all in the name of science and technology. Some day the world will wake up and realize that we are over-populated and can't control ourselves in the natural order of things. In the wild, animals and insects have natural population controls in effect. We think it cruel when a female animal kills her own young, it's natural selection, to keep the population healthy and strong. And you wonder why disease and cancers are rampant...we are no longer of healthy stock...think about it.
My little bee necklace is yellow turquoise, who woulda thought, but I absolutely love it, it's just a beautiful stone. Looks a bit like pollen, in my eye anyway. With the little bee charm and the words 'bee free', this little piece will appeal to the Nature lover in you.
Oh, my little bee,
I think not of your demise,
only your freedom.