Can we talk comfort furniture...I had see this glider without it's cushions...and thought what an unusual piece...then when Brent put on the cushions...let the games begin...or rather the drool...this is soooooo me!!!

...and the summer whites never end at
Sister's Garden...Barb asked for a fabulous piece for her entry...YOUR WISH IS MY COMMAND...is this chest not to die for...could you see this in a bathroom with a fabulous sink basin in it...let your imagination run free...it's summer you know...

...and I just restocked with white, white frames and a wonderful white Madonna, with her crystal rosary...you can't get much more magical than this...right...

...a tiny lil' vanity for the princess in your palace, with wonderful crystal knobs to impress her Royal Highness...

...and last, but not least, a rusty relic of the past...the lowly yard chair...what would our yards be without all the memories they tell of a summer's past...in Iowa...shhhhhh...it's a secret...