Come on...I'll race ya...

...down a country highway...a step back in time in my world...why I love driving to Sisters' and Palo...it's a journey in a day that I wouldn't trade for 'all the tea in China'...don't ya just love those ol' timey sayings...

...let's take a moment...remember that 'woosh' of new can of home brew being opened...with that lil' key that you always hoped would never break off in mid-can...but sometimes you had to rewind...I will soon be 60, as a matter of fact, it falls on Labor Day this year...but imagine how lucky my generation of baby-boomers were to have these simple mem'ries...black and white TV, pen pals, diaries...and fresh Folger's coffee...out of tea cups no less...ahhhhh...

...see the bluebirds of happiness in every day of your life...they are there with you always, you just have to notice...

...imagine back in the day, everyone gathering the hay in fields together, singing songs, children playing, blood, sweat and tears of an era long past, but still embraced by a culture that has chosen to live a day in the life...the Amish...

...and of modern giant bales lining a fence row...

I hope you never tire of seeing my beautiful Iowa countryside...down hilly dales and vast green horizons, my quest for a day in the life is a never ending journey...I'll take you along too...if yer not in a hurry...