Ki Nassauer of 'Junk Camp fame, dropped by Sister's Garden yesterday to check out the shop...what a hoot...and you thought we were just a nobody lil' ol' shop somewhere in Iowa...sometimes you just have to give out the information...Iowa...the lost continent is found...

In this shot we are saying a fond farewell to the 'to die for' glider, as it will be living in Minnesota with Ki...lucky girl...Barb and Ki clinch the know Ki, that was supposed to go on my porch...

Now there's a crew of trash pickers if I ever did see one Jane and Sara are partners in crime with Ki, having just raced here after the What Cheer flea market, fun was had by all, as the intrepid junkers oooooed and ahhhhed their way through the shops...full truck and bags they're on the road again...who knows where they'll strike next, long way back to Minnesota!

As Billy Bob rides in the back seat enjoying he/her mint on the trail...hope you got your brakes fixed girls...
Come to Iowa and see the hidden treasures that abound in the serene countryside of the lost continent...IOWA...
Iowa, the new Texas...