just an ordinary day where
words are not to be found
as crisp morning mists arise
and greet another
summer song
in an uneventful day...
Maybe another cup of Joe
and a few more rocks
in my new old chair
will somehow croon to my heart's
desire for poetic license
and a mood setting moment
in an ordinary day...
The evening's dragons
now still and humbled
were perfectly timed
as a needed rain quenched
a parched thirst
in withered produce and posies,
just a summer storm...
But beauty spreads
it's sun drenched shawl
all crossed my har'bring soul
as crickets serenade
in harmony with the wren
and the still
of a typical day...made in the shade.

Do you think the weeks are flying by...I think the people in the Midwest tend to mourn the days of summer passing by so quickly...we know what's in our future...WINTER...it's a dragon and we fear it's scorn.
However, just for now, it's Sunday in Australia and we want to play a game...it's Shadow Shot Sunday won't you play too...