The Red Hat Society girls...you can spot 'em a mile away...matriarchs flaunting their love of life, giggling and joking their way into your heart...free spirits. Some widowed, some divorced, some happily married to the loves of their lives, all women living life to it's fullest...fulfilling a summer's day trip...in high society style...

Mmmmm....corn on the cob and fresh cherry tomatoes...since this portion of the plantation has never been planted and the soil worked over, my ears are quite small...but boy do they scream IOWA...oozing with butter and salt, a fare fit for a queen...and cherry tomaters is about all I will get out of my 6 plants that I planted this year, due to heavy rains and little scorching heat...but not complaining, I love fried green tomaters...I love summer...

A sit in the sun on the porch of our home, my lil' furry heathen will grab any chance to sit with 'Mom' and guard her kingdom from on high...not allowed to wander the tall prairie grass for vermin right now, due to her grass and mold allergies, she is content to sit a spell and enjoy summer's heat till the cows come home...

Those lazy, hazy dayz that we all want to last forever...are limited you know...as fall progresses and we start to squirrel away for the coming cold...enjoy each day, each hour, each minute...a day in the life...till the cows come home...