simple fabrics sewn for a nation
the fabric of freedom
fabric of separation
fabric of determination
the fabric of sweet repose
out of the shadow of tyranny
a simple woman sews my heritage
do you remember
where a Mother's tears were shed
on distant shores
or hallow'd grounds
the new Americas
yes, land of the free
certainly home of the brave
I remember thee
my wish for thee is clear and pure
this freedom of heart
and soul
and country
and faith in a future
shall be spread all 'cross these lands
let freedom ring
from shore to shore
from brother to brother
and soul to soul
all 'cross these hearts
my home sweet home
on this Independence Day
As we remember our independence here in the states, let's not forget that freedoms are still only a promise all over this globe, many suffer for the word FREEDOM, something we take for granted here in the USA, but it's meaning grows deep...we are still struggling from tyranny...let us remember what we fight for...freedom for ALL humanity...we are all family...
So head on over to Harriet's house for more shadows...and Happy Freedom USA...