Do you remember this lil' shop across the street from our shop...Broomin Sisters, well the owner Cheryl and Lorie and myself have concocted a solution to our dwindling space and her need for more display areas for her yarn product and floral designs...share the space...
How novel you say and with Lorie's decision to move to Palo...soon...it would fill the gap in the hours we are both able to work at the shop. Everyone in this little community is trying their derndest to get this town back to where it was before the flood and with neighbor helping neighbor the task of rebuilding has begun.

A totally different side of the creative energies, as Lorie and I fill Broomin Sisters with a kaleidoscope of interior decor...the possibilities are endless...and the expansion will help me pull the candle/soap business into full force as more room is allotted for candle display.
A thriving candle biz in a growing community near a huge, ever-expanding city like Cedar Rapids, is the catalyst for pulling in local and repeat customers at all times of the year...a steady clientele.

Cheryl's wonderful floral designs and 'Gerty' knitted fashions will expand into the line she always dreamed of for her shop.

...her personal style and our insatiable appetite for trash...I mean neat stuff...er antiques...will pull another dimension into this delightful little shop and Cheryl will have more freedom to design.
Check out Cheryl's web site and read the story of how
Broomin' was created and how Lorie and I will fit right into the profile...
Broomin...a feeling, an experience...
Sisters...well, you know the meaning...