Wednesday, July 23, 2008
My affair with puppies is no secret and whose is. They look so sad when they come into unfamiliar territory, but after their time at the station, all is well in the world of a puppy, cause...I AM SO CUTE...and everybody loves me and I am reassured again. The hardest thing about doing puppies is trying not to laugh at their serious have to keep the mood set or it is all down hill. But these two sisters were adorable to do, Poodle/shihzhu mixes full of vinegar, but loved by their Moms to the too. What fun they were...I luv my job...but to get to train a pup for their world of constant grooming is what I love, because they will be set to ME and not the abuses of untrained hands. Enjoy my puppies, today is two Schnauzer buds and a shihzhu...oh boy...