You say that I am weird
what of an artist
what of an athlete
what of a rock star
accomplished...not weird
always waiting for the evening star
to guide me to the dawn of my path
self-less yet self-assured
that to be weird is to be not like you
alone with my pen
my thoughts
my choice of music
is that weird
No sweet daughter
I am...not weird
I am...not you.
I was more or less put off by this comment this morning, but assurred in my knowing of myself and my daughter, that we are two totally different people. I also know that she doesn't understand me, we went two different directions many years ago. And it is OK if she thinks I'm weird, I can sorta take it as a compliment, she the city girl and me...well...Ma Kettle...I can understand her dismay. But then again, she has many paths to cross in her young life as I do in mine. But we are both free to be who we are...and that is the challenge, to be 'I am'...and never forget the love.