Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Lovely Chamber Pot

And now I want to remind you of that romantic saying...THE GOOD 'OL DAYS...although having ones potty right next to the bed would be quite handy for those of us that can barely make it out of the bed before...well we won't go into that. We have come quite far in the last 100 years, haven't we, no more throwing the waste out the second floor more trudging through the snow to the outhouse and that REALLY cold orb with it's well of unmentionables that you knew something actually lived in.

When I was a kid, we had a cottage on the Cedar River, with an was a place of dread...SPIDEYS...everywhere. That was the first thing Granny did, was brush it all down with a broom, before she had to drag me kicking and screaming to that cave of uncertainty. Then Gramps finally put in a toilet in the dug-out basement so I would quit screaming...OK now, do the words DUG-OUT BASEMENT trigger a response...that's where the REALLY big spideys lived...NOOOOOOOO...

But me being the person that likes to reflect on the simplicities of days gone by, I rather enjoy using an out-house now...because I know that if I'm heading toward one, the need is obviously greater than the dread. And it does some how bring to life those days long gone at the cottage I so loved to visit...I think it's the smell. If you've experienced one out-house, well...let's say it's the same blend. And as far as something living in there...I know it's true, I watched the X-Files and I'm a believer.

So now that you are looking at the 'chamber pot' with envying eyes and are looking for the perfect spot in your home to display, right...think just under the bed within easy reach or on a little stool next to the bed, you know that extra height is wonderful when you are half asleep.

@ Friends Candle Shed