Saturday, September 20, 2008

Shadow Shot Sunday

Free Bird on a Leash

Old shutters cage a lark's
already imprisoned
by her steely self image,
as morning sun alights hope
of life beyond
this barred vision.
Life of a free bird...
are you ever a free bird
what is this thing we so covet
this freedom...
to speak
to think
is it given freely,
why do we struggle so
when they say it's God-given.
Is it really free,
give it to me
so I may exist beyond this cage
of fear
the prison
the shadow
where thoughts and passion dwell
always, always
awaiting the next sunrise...
Open the window,
shall I...shall I

Well kids, here we are again, another shadow-fest. Check out Hey, Harriet and sign up, we know you want'll have fun...promise. Then check out very one else's shots and give 'em a holler.