Tuesday, August 26, 2008

What's in your window...

I was prompted to write a post about the kitchen window sill today, as I pondered what Eve from Gardening on the Gulf Coast was saying about what we put on our kitchen window sill. Does it say who we are...or what we may have remembered from a time when the little things meant so much. Is it a place just to stash all those little things that get in our way, but are too worthy to pitch...does it hold a collection of memories, blooming herbs and flower starts in little bottles filled with tender white roots...does it have shiny glass marbles and prisms, reflecting little rainbows all over the ceiling, are there photos, statues and dishes?

Think of your sill and what it reflects in your world and what you remember of Mom and Grandmom or Auntie. Mine this time of year is always filled with the dwindling supply of fresh tomatoes and peppers, soon to be replaced with sprigs of plants reading themselves with healthy roots for the next season of summer splash. It also holds strong in my memory those beautiful African violets my Mum and Grandmum always had in the window, starts passed from one to the other, always fun to get those little leaves to produce the grand floral abundance of the lowly violet.

I also remember the little flower pots, mostly McCoy pottery, holding stringy philodendron, saved from floral arrangements from a hospital visit or a special occasion. The little 'Made in Japan' statues of animals that Granny allowed me to play with and Grandad always repaired with that mystery glue that always turned a honey gold color, but still held my precious toys together.

Ahhh, the good ol' days, what are your memories...